Metering of greenhouse gas emissions
According to the plant's ecology engineer Aliya Gilmullina, in the course of the plant's activity and the use of the products manufactured by Beko, greenhouse gas emissions that can be combined into three groups are generated.
Firstly, let's consider direct emissions.
This group, as the expert says, includes stationary emissions (from fuel combustion in boiler houses), mobile emissions (for example, from vehicles and forklift trucks operating on fuel), emissions from chemicals used at the enterprise.
Secondly, we must take into account indirect emissions from purchased energy.
- Of course, some kinds of power plants do not emit greenhouse gases - the so-called green energy - explains Aliya Gilmullina. - However, quite a lot of greenhouse gases are emitted in the process of energy production at thermal power plants (TPP), so we must take it into account.
And, finally, we can observe an indirect emissions generated both from the transportation of personnel and during the life cycle of manufactured products.
“This is the most complex area,” says the ecology engineer. “It's not easy to measure, but we are trying." This includes the transportation of products to the sale location.
Also this area includes emissions from product use, cause refrigerators, washing machines, and other household appliances that we manufacture are powered by electricity. When a product is no longer used, it must be disposed of, and at this stage, greenhouse gas emissions which we take into account are also generated.
In the same group, we include the transportation of employees to and from their workplaces as well as business trips of the company's employees.
For example, specialists should go to Vladivostok to exchange experience.
We calculate how much emissions will be generated if they travel by plane and how much if they travel by train. Each type of transport has its own emission factor, and, by the way, railway transport generates the least greenhouse gas emissions.