Your personal sun in the refrigerator

Let's see how HarvestFresh technology works.

Do you remember the commercial where FC Barcelona players come to visit the little girl who refuses to eat vegetables? It turns out that vegetables are delicious if, of course, they are properly stored in the refrigerator. Let's see what HarvestFresh technology is and what it is for.

text: Natalia Vladimirova

photo: Evgeny Likhatsky

In short, HarvestFresh technology (translated from English as "fresh harvest") is a unique Beko-created lighting in the fruit and vegetable compartment that simulates natural sunlight during daylight hours extending the process of photosynthesis. As a result, vegetables stay fresh, juicy and full of vitamins longer, which means that children (and adults too) have more time to fall in love with their amazing taste.

Alexey Svyatkin, Head of Product Development Group - Refrigerators

In line with the trends

HarvestFresh technology meets the latest global trends such as healthy lifestyle and naturalness. The research has shown that 58% of consumers want their food to be completely natural. People prefer to get their vitamins from natural sources - vegetables and fruit - rather than factory-made vitamins. The reasons are obvious: natural vitamins support the normal functioning of the body.

Natural vegetables and fruit in the diet help:
to prevent decline of cognitive functions and other age-related diseases;
to carry out the prevention of cardiac and oncological diseases;
to get natural antioxidants that protect the cells of the body.

But there is one problem: vegetables and fruit harvested from plants lose vitamins over time and come to consumers already being "half empty". Therefore, the market for vitamin supplements is growing very actively: by 2025 it will reach the incredible number of $81 million with an average annual growth rate of 6.6%.

Scientific approach

Having analyzed all this data, the experts of Beko Company decided to find a way to preserve vitamins in fruit and vegetables.

Inspired by nature, Beko has developed innovative HarvestFresh technology that simulates a 24-hour day cycle.

The experts proceeded from the assumption that plants need sunlight and darkness during the day. Sunlight is in fact a mixture of blue, green and red colours replacing each other throughout the day. Each colour has its own benefits for plants and participates in the photosynthesis process.

Of all the vitamins, fruit and vegetables contain vitamins A and C the most. These are the most common and important vitamins, so let's take a closer look at them.

Vitamin A is essential for vision. It can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, maintain tissue and skin health and play an important role in osteogenesis and the functioning of the immune system.

Vitamin C can reduce the risk of certain cancers, protect against cataract, support blood vessel walls, act as an antioxidant and support the immune system.

To confirm the benefits of the day-night cycle for the preservation of vitamins in vegetables and fruit, Beko contracted a large international laboratory with more than 130 years of history to conduct the scientific research. Intertek, the independent laboratory conducted seven-day lab tests, in which they measured the content of vitamins A and C under direct light for two vegetables - tomatoes and green peppers.

Tomatoes contain a lot of carotenoids (special pigments, provitamins A, i.e. the metabolic precursors of vitamin A), and peppers contain a lot of chlorophyll (a pigment involved in photosynthesis). Many fruit and vegetables are rich in these two pigments. This means that the test results can be carried over to other food products: pumpkins, carrots, lemons, oranges, apricots, spinach, broccoli, leafy vegetables, lettuce and more.

What happened during the experiment? The content of vitamin C in vegetables in the control group that had not received light dropped from 280 to 240 mg / kg within a week, and in vegetables that had received light it increased up to 300. The same thing happened to vitamin A: initially it was about 260 mcg per 100 g. In a week in the control group the content dropped to 240 and in vegetables that received light it went up to 340. That is, thanks to the lighting the process of photosynthesis continued and caused an increase in the content of vitamins.

Sunshine cycle in the refrigerator

Now sunshine magic happens in the fruit and vegetable compartment of Beko refrigerators with the help of HarvestFresh technology.

During the first four hours of the cycle the blue light is turned on to simulate dawn. It's time for vegetables and fruit to wake up and start the process of photosynthesis.

Then the backlight colour changes to green for two hours indicating the strongest midday sun. Photosynthesis at the summit. The artificial sun fills products with light and value.

Then for six more hours of the cycle, the backlight switches to the sunset mode lighting up red: the plants smoothly complete the cycle of photosynthesis getting ready to "sleep". The backlight is then turned off for 12 hours simulating the nighttime. Of course, we need the backlight to see the vegetables. If you suddenly open the refrigerator during the "night" period, then one of the three colors is lit in a random order in the section with vegetables, but this is a short-term process, so the vegetables do not have time to "wake up".

Thanks to HarvestFresh, we can not only get more vitamins and improve the quality of our nutrition but also save on food because now they stay fresh longer and do not have to be thrown away. And it all happens thanks to the small personal sun in the refrigerator.

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