Collect and decontaminate

Containers are installed on the premises of Beko to collect waste of a higher hazard class - used batteries.

400 l
Each battery thrown into the trash can and then ending up in a landfill can pollute more than 400 liters of water or 20 square meters of land with heavy metals.
5000 х
22 billion batteries are produced annually in the world. With this amount, you can cover an area equal to 5,000 football pitches and if folded in one row you get a line 114 times longer than the Great Wall of China.
< 2%
According to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, about 1 billion batteries of various capacities are consumed in our country annually. Of these, less than 2% is properly disposed of.
100 years
The decomposition time of one battery in the ground is about 100 years, and its full recycling run at the enterprise is only 4 days. At the same time, iron, graphite, zinc and manganese sulfates are obtained from it for re-use.
Yelena Zhirnova,

the head of treatment facilities:

– Many of our employees not indifferent to the environment protection asked if it was possible for our enterprise to organize the collection of batteries used at their homes.

There are not so many battery collection centres around: Aleksandrov (3 centres), Kirzhach (1 centre), Kolchugino (1 centre).

In this regard, together with my colleagues - specialist of the supply department Yulia Kadyrova, specialists of the administrative department Anastasia Muradova and Yana Nikulina, environmental engineer Aliya Gilmullina - we had an idea to organize three battery collection centres at the enterprise.

After all, this waste means raw materials for the production of new goods, preserved natural resources, environmental protection and, of course, our health.

Aliya Gilmullina,

environmental engineer:

– The collection and disposal of used batteries remains one of the most challenging recycling problems in the world.

Today any enterprise can demonstrate its environmental responsibility by placing containers on their premises for the collection of used batteries.

Our company will install boxes at the warehouse for auxiliary materials, near the production office and in the lobby on the first floor.

We are confident that by doing so we will not only simplify the lives of our colleagues who strive for responsible consumption but will also attract new people to the ranks of fighters for nature preservation.

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