Ecology is the main trend of the modern human civilization.
In recent times, we are increasingly faced with the phrases "environmental problems", "environmental policy" and "environmental literacy". In the classical sense, ecology is the science of the relationship of living organisms with each other and with the environment. Although this term is increasingly used to describe the state of the environment, we all have heard such characteristics as good or bad ecology.
Aliya Gilmullina, environmental engineer
Despite the fact that some religions traditionally spoke about the caring attitude towards nature (Buddhism, paganism), the industrial revolution that happened in the 18th century made the society especially anthropocentric, and it began to treat nature just as a source of resources. Irresponsible consumerism has led to a number of serious environmental problems:
Following the slogan of Arcelik A. S. "Respecting the World, Respected Worldwide", we as Beko Company treat the environment responsibly.
And since the 80s of the last century, the mankind started to contemplate that with such a consumer attitude, the environment would be unacceptable for our existence. Snowballing environmental disasters of all sizes spurred the adoption of new laws and international agreements to protect the environment. The greatest possible reduction of the negative impact on nature by the industrial facilities and the consequences of their activities became an extremely urgent task.
At the moment, responsible attitude to the environment at the level of organizations implies the creation and adoption of an environmental policy, the purpose of which is to determine and outline the ways for development towards more careful use of resources and reduction of the negative impact on nature.
Beko strives to become a leading environmental company
Photo by the Press Office
Following the slogan of Arcelik A. S. "Respecting the World, Respected Worldwide" we as Beko Company treat the environment responsibly. Our factory also has an environmental policy that outlines our environmental goals and strategies. The main strategies of Beko's environmental policy are:
prevention of negative environmental impact caused by production and manufactured products;
introduction of resource recovery methods;
manufacturing of environmentally friendly products and compliance with the requirements of international and local legislation. We believe that by following these environmental goals and strategies we will be able to move closer to sustainable human development.
Guided by the above-stated principles, we strive to become a leading company in our sector carrying out activities in integration with quality management systems, energy, greenhouse gases, health and safety, principles of sustainable development and corporate ethics.
You can familiarize yourself with the full text of the environmental policy on the stands in the production sites and in the lobby on the first floor of the factory. On the pages of our magazine we plan to talk about the company's activities aimed at implementing this policy, as well as about environmental campaigns, in which Beko employees take part. In particular, in the next article of this issue you can read about the environmental initiative of our colleagues that have resulted in the installation of containers at the enterprise for collecting used batteries.