One advice and three wishes
Dear friends, today we are opening a new column of the magazine – “Express Opinion”. In it we will talk about a variety of topics – concerning production and everyday life, there will also be place for jokes and congratulations. And anyone can become the hero of this column. Four participants from among the company's employees will be selected using a random number generator. The heroes of this issue are employees with more than 10 years of work experience. They answered simple questions and congratulated all colleagues on the New Year!
You cannot imagine your work without which item?
What was your favorite New Year cartoon/movie in childhood and why?
Who gives inspiration to you?
Which advice did your parents or grandparents give you that you would like to share?
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
If you had an extra hour in the day, how would you spend it?
How can you describe our company in three words?

Vladimir Abramov,

Senior Master (Refrigerator Preparatory Production Workshop)

  • 1
    For me, the most necessary things at work are a telephone and work clothes; I can’t imagine my work without it.
  • 2
    I didn’t often watch movies abouy Christmas. But most of all I like “The Diamond Arm” and “Operation Y”.
  • 3
    Spouse and children. Family is my main life motivator.
  • 4
    Planting a tree, building a house and raising a son – this is ancient wisdom that remains actual even in our time.
  • 5
    I would like to finish building the house, get more prosperity and advancement at work - these are three wishes I would like to come true, and now I don’t stop moving towards and believe: everything is possible!
  • 6
    Another hour, if it had fallen on a weekend, would have been spent on building a house, and if it had fallen on a work day, on communicating with colleagues.
  • 7
    I have been working with Beko for 11 years now, it is good, well-off and advanced company.
I wish everyone in the new year greater cohesion of employees and teams. And well-being and peace in every family!

Lyudmila Balashova,

Machine Assembly Operator (Refrigerator Assembly Workshop)

  • 1
    The main and most important part of my work is product components. The proper workplace conditions are also important – to provide that everything is in its right place.
  • 2
    As a child, I loved watching the popular cartoon “Nu Pogodi!" It was shown not so ofthen and was greatly popular between chıldren.
  • 3
    Chıldren. I try to live for my children, taking care about health and staying in a good mood.
  • 4
    Set a goal and follow it until realization – is my key advice and I wish that it will definitely be useful in anyone's life.
  • 5
    The first desire I would like to wish is to stay young. For the second I wish feel respect from the colleagues for my work and never let anyone down. My third wish, for the distant perspective, is to have good pension.
  • 6
    I would spend an extra hour on my favorite activity: I like to be engaged in creative crafts making.
  • 7
    "Beko" is a modern and advanced production facility.
I wish all my colleagues that in the new year 2025 all their cherished dreams come true, that everyone stay in good healthy and that everything in life was perfect!

Elena Gordobaeva,

Machine Assembly Operator (Washing Machine Production Workshop)

  • 1
    I must say that quality in work is very important, and for this purpose I need to feel good, so I always try to keep a bottle of water next to me.
  • 2
    The cartoon "Well, Just You Wait!" was definitely my favorite one. Among movies my favorite are: “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes his Profession”, “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “Kidnapping, Caucasian Style”. These films never get old, they always create New Year's mood, unfortunately nobody can make films like these anymore.
  • 3
    My family inspires me as well: I have two sons and a daughter, and grandchildren. The youngest son is our main motivator, he grew up very obedient, without any problems, and the whole family can follow his example. The eldest son took part in the Special Military Operation, was wounded, but returned alive and now his state of health is good. I am very proud of him.
  • 4
    Honesty - is the most important thing. And moreover, Good deals will always return back. And we must love people, no matter which character they have. I also raise my children in such a way that they respect their elders and never offend younger ones.
  • 5
    My first wish is good health for all my relatives and friends, the second is for people to be happy, so that they don’t forget to help each other in the hustle and bustle of work, and the third is for these difficult times that our country is going through to end as soon as possible.
  • 6
    My extra hour I will probably spend for sleep. I get up early for work because I live far away, in Yuryev-Polsky.
  • 7
    My three words are: "Like It Much". I have been working at the plant for 10 years, and they have passed like one day. I am happy that Beko exists.
In the coming year I wish everyone health, peaceful skies above, happiness and love!

Alexander Knyazev,

Technician (Assembly Line – REF Direct)

  • 1
    The most necessary thing is a phone, as staying in touch for me is always very important: you never know what question or situation you can face with.
  • 2
    My favorite movie was the famous comedy "The Irony of Fate". We watched it as a family. Both my mom and dad loved it, so I loved it too, and even now I wouldn’t mind re watching this traditional New Year’s cinema.
  • 3
    Now I have four children, so my family is my main inspiration.
  • 4
    First you need to think, and only after this to do. This advice helps me a lot in all areas of my life, and I am sure that it will also find response in everyone’s heart.
  • 5
    My three fundamental desires are good health, happy atmosphere and financial well-being of my family.
  • 6
    I would be glad to sleep an extra hour of the day.
  • 7
    Our company associates with stability, work and career development.
Happy New Year and I wish everyone health, success, that the plant continue working and wages grow!