Foalfoot (Tussilago farfara)
The first after winter, already in early April, yellow Foalfoot flowers appear on the South side of the plant (near the sewage treatment facilities and boiler installation). This perennial herbaceous plant got its name due to special leaf texture: underside of the leaf is soft, velvety to the touch - that's why it is called "mother", and the upper side, on the contrary, is glassy and rigid, just like "stepmother". In Latin, it is called Tussilago farfara, which can be translated as "beating cough". Even this single fact is indicative of the medicinal properties of the plant. A particular feature of this plant is its blossom, that starts in early spring, but leaves appear much later. It is classified as an obligate synanthrope (i.e., a plant dependent on humans and growing in availability of an anthropogenic impact). Scientists learned to determine overall environmental pollution level according to the symmetry of Foalfoot leaf plates.