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Health delivery
The Beko plant in the Kirzhachsky district was attended by the mobile medical center, therefore the enterprise employees obtained the opportunity to be examined by doctors from the regional center. The project was initiated by the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Grigory Anikeyev. Mobile medical centers have been operating in the region for more than six years. We decided to cover this issue in more detail.
"Mobile medical centers" is the regional project initiated by the public organization "The Mercy and The Order". Project implementation was started in November 2015.
The aim of the project is to provide high quality affordable medical services to the residents of the region close to their homes.

But how it can be turned into reality if highly specialized doctors receive patients not in every local settlement and in the situation of the absolute unavailability of medical institutions in some of these settlements in general? There is only one way to resolve it - to bring medical services to people! Mobile medical centers can reach any destination of the Vladimir region, including the most remoted ones. Thanks to this program, residents of the region have got the opportunity to receive professional medical advice by doctors from the regional center without going far from their homes.
Mobile medical centers visited 430 settlements of the Vladimir region, having made more than 3,700 transfers.
“We communicate with visitors every day and see the great importance of the "Mobile medical centers" project for the residents of the Vladimir Region,” the project supervisor Natalya Chaschina explained. - The visit schedule is prepared upon requests of the citizens, including collective applications from regional enterprises. We came to the Beko plant for the first time. The visit was in great demand, so we will definitely come here again in order to provide everyone with the opportunity to be examined by medical specialists from Vladimir.

How to request the visit?

Appointments to mobile medical centers can be made by calling to the hotline number (free): 8 (800) 234-50-03 from 9:00 to 18:00 in working days. If application is submitted by organization, at first it is necessary to clarify some questions: date of the possible visit and specialists to be invited.

“We prepare the lists, distribute patients by appointment time, to provide each employee with the possibility to undergo health examination in his workplace without any discomfort,” says Natalya Chaschina.
More than 275,000 residents of the region have got health checkups
What we can find inside?

Three centers have all necessary equipment for high-quality ultrasound examinations and consultations of highly specialized doctors. Reception of patients is conducted by doctors from the regional center: an ophthalmologist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a cardiologist and others.

What is the next destination?

- Mobile medical centers often visit enterprises of the Vladimir region. Doctors carry out necessary examinations, allowing to detect diseases at different stages, including the earliest. This is very important, since timely diagnosis determination makes it possible to treat a desease timely or reduce certain symptoms, says doctor Lusine Sahakyan.
No reason to be afraid! The sooner doctors detect health problems, the sooner treatment can be started providing increased chances for favorable outcome.
– Mobile medical centers operate on the permanent basis. Patients of the medical centers undergo primary medical examinations here, receive necessary medical advice from doctors. We regularly receive positive feedback from the patients of different centers concerning the project work, as well as the words of gratitude, - Natalya Chaschina noted.
Lyudmila Cheremovskaya,
Head of the Medical unit of the Beko plant in the Kirzhachsky district:

– I visited the medical center for the first time and was examined by an ophthalmologist. I really liked how the reception was organized. The doctor explained everything and answered my questions in full. I believe that it is very good project aimed at improving health of the population of our region. Mobile medical centers are a real help provided to us by the public organization "The Mercy and The Order".
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