
Please wear masks
Due to the risk of getting coronavirus infection, our company has a mandatory mask regime.

These rules are binding for everyone and their violation will result in disciplinary action.

REMEMBER! The mask is the first barrier to the spread of the disease. In order not to spread the infection, everyone needs to wear a mask, without exceptions. After all, you can get coronavirus without symptoms even not knowing that you are a carrier of the virus.

When having meetings
it is forbidden to drink coffee, tea. Having other drinks is only possible at the workplace in the absence of other persons.

Get vaccinated
In November, primary vaccination against COVID-19 was organized in the premises of the plant's medical centre for all interested citizens of the Russian Federation.

All employees who for some reason have not been vaccinated at the enterprise, with the exception of those who have recovered from COVID-19 and have medical contraindications for vaccination, must be vaccinated at their place of residence.

Strictly follow the requirements of keeping social distance
In accordance with the order for the plant and the rules of Rospotrebnadzor, it is necessary to observe the social distance between people - at least 1.8 meters.

In order to comply with the mandatory distance observation order, the company has installed cameras to track social distancing.

Neglecting this rule can cost you life. Social distancing is slowing the spread of coronavirus allowing us to spend energy on providing help to those who need it right now.

Alexander Tokarev

acting chief physician of Kirzhach district hospital:

Dear Beko employees!

As the acting chief physician of Kirzhach district hospital, I invite everyone to be vaccinated against COVID-19 including women of reproductive age.

The Ministry of Health approved vaccination including vaccination for pregnant women having proven that the vaccine is safe for all categories of the population. The vaccine does not cause any harm and it only brings benefit in the sense that it becomes much more difficult to get covid.

Coronavirus in questions
and answers
Based on materials from the website стопкоронавирус.рф
Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating COVID-19?
- No, antibiotics do not work against viruses. They only treat bacterial infections. Antibiotics should not be used to prevent or treat coronavirus infection. However, patients hospitalized with an infection may be given antibiotics to treat accompanying bacterial infections.
Is it true that exposure of your body to heat helps protect against coronavirus?
- Sunny and hot weather does not reduce the risk of getting the new coronavirus infection. As statistics show, the disease spreads equally in countries with both cold and hot climates.
The effectiveness of hot baths for preventive purposes has not been proven since the normal human body temperature is between 36.5 and 37 °C.
Are folk remedies (honey, garlic, citrus fruits) useful for the prevention of coronavirus?
- It is believed that they strengthen the general immunity, can work as antipyretic drugs. But they do not play a significant role in the prevention of coronavirus and other respiratory infections.
Can you get COVID-19 through insect bites?
- No. Insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, midges, flies are not carriers of the pathogen and do not participate in the spread of the disease. SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the group of respiratory viruses and the main route for the spread of this disease, according to the currently available data, is airborne.
Is it true that using disinfectants kills the coronavirus in the body?
- Disinfectants, sanitizers and household chemicals should be used with caution and only for disinfection of surfaces. Consumption of methanol, ethanol and other substances poisonous to the body and contained in disinfectants does not prevent or cure COVID-19 but can be extremely hazardous for health and can lead to disability and death.

Anastasia Reshetova

HR manager

Please read the order issued

to ensure the epidemiological well-being of the company!

Take care of yourselves and be healthy!

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