Our records
New historical record
The Beko brand has set a new all-time record: Consideration Score - brand consideration for purchase - has reached 25% among the consumers surveyed.

Factors contributing to the achievement of the record indicators this year:

Special project with Yandex.Market - the largest e-commerce platform in Russia
Special project to support Beko refrigerators with HarvestFresh technology has brought 11.5 million contacts with potential users. The interest to our products during the support period has increased 3 times. During the project, 33 thousand users have considered our refrigerators for purchase.
Reputation Management
2 Online Reputation Management Project.
Compared to 2020, the number of reviews on the brand's products has doubled. SberMegaMarket and Holodilnik.ru have been added to the range of our clients, and the number of reviews about Beko equipment there is actively growing. The average rating for freestanding appliances is 4.8 stars and for built-in ones is 4.9. This is way ahead of all our competitors!
Active promotional campaigns in the second half
of the year
In October, together with Procter & Gamble, we implemented the campaign “Buy a Beko washing machine with SteamCure technology - get a six-month supply of Ariel pods”. Collaboration with Reckitt Benckiser was aimed at supporting dishwashers with the focus on AquaIntense technology.
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